Home/Lowrider/TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai Lowrider TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai JAP spirit Follow on X 2015-06-157 Less than a minute Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Digg Reddit MySpace Line sharesViews: 232 Tags70cresta CRESTA hydraulics system Minatomirai Mira x70 JAP spirit Follow on X 2015-06-157 Less than a minute
TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai http://t.co/mfZTz7xkII http://t.co/uu5nSbuQKF Reply
Hi, Jun, thank you for your comment, i must say this picture is bad quality. recently i take more good quality photo, i will upload them in future. please be looking forword to seeing them! Reply
RT @JAPspirit: TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai http://t.co/mfZTz7xkII http:/… Reply
RT @JAPspirit: TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai http://t.co/mfZTz7xkII http:/… Reply
TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai http://t.co/mfZTz7xkII http://t.co/uu5nSbuQKF
Too cool. Want to see it hop !
Hi, Jun, thank you for your comment, i must say this picture is bad quality. recently i take more good quality photo, i will upload them in future. please be looking forword to seeing them!
Thanks. I am looking forward to see more of your photos !
Josh Martin
RT @JAPspirit: TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai http://t.co/mfZTz7xkII http:/…
RT @JAPspirit: TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style TOYOTA Cresta x70 lowrider style at Minatomiraiat Minatomirai http://t.co/mfZTz7xkII http:/…